Investment Criteria

We are looking to purchase an established, profitable business in the Seattle greater area. Below are general guidelines we are looking for, but will evaluate any company on its merits.


  • >$500K EBITDA

  • >15% operating margin

  • Long history of stable positive cashflow

  • Focused on business services industries, consumer products & services, and retail (note: not interested in single-location retail, restaurants, or professional services businesses where the owner plays a significant role in delivering services)

  • Recurring revenue with high customer retention

  • Low capital investment needs

company & seller

  • Located in the greater Seattle area

  • Simple ownership structure (ideally seller is owner/operator)

  • Seller motivated to stay involved during transition period to ensure long-term success of the business

  • Strong managers motivated to stay and grow in the company

  • Not interested in minority investments